What are you defending?

This week, we're going to build a fort. Use this prompt however you wish - think about it, write about it, make art inspired by it. Or build a literal blanket fort, that might be fun, too. There are no right answers and there's no way to get this wrong.

If you're doing this as an art journal prompt, you'll need something to draw on and something to draw with. Gather your supplies. When you're ready, start as usual by taking a moment to get comfortable and settle in. Perhaps take a breath or two, or let your body move or stretch if you've been sitting a while.

Start by noticing your defences. If they were a fort, what kind of fort would they be? Would your fort have a moat full of things with sharp teeth and a drawbridge? Would it be on a mountain crag with a steep path up to it that could only be reached on foot? Is it on an island somewhere? Or is it a stealth fort, with invisible walls that no one can see but you?

Take some time to draw your fort (or write about it, or build it out of couch cushions), leaving a space inside it for what your fort is defending. Notice how it feels as you create it. Does it feel solid? Wonky in places? Are the walls too thick? Just right? There are no wrong answers, and this is your fort, so you get to say how it goes and change if it you'd like.

Once you feel done with your fort building, turn your attention to what you're defending inside it. This might be concrete (a dragon's treasure pile, an inner self who's tired and needs a rest, your life force) or something more abstract (a colour or a shape, perhaps). How does it feel, to have placed what you're defending inside of your fort?

Again, no right or wrong answers. Perhaps it feels like relief. Or lonely. Or strong. It's all good information. And this is your image - if it doesn't feel right, you can change it until it does. or leave it as is, and get curious about what it's telling you.

Take a moment to reflect. What does your image tell you about the ways and the things you defend in your life? What about this works for you? Is there anything that doesn't? If so, what would you like to change, and what would need to be different in the world so that you could change it?


No straight lines


Door from HERE to THERE