Playing with time.

Here is a series of prompts you can use as jumping off points to play with your experience of time, inspired by the road trip I'm on as I write this - as always happens when I travel, the novelty and newness and break from my regular routine gives me a feeling of time dilation - I've been three weeks on the road and it could be months. Given that I've been complaining this is the fastest year I've ever lived, I'm enjoying it.

As always, feel free to take these prompts as is, or make them your own. Do all of them, do a few, just pick one - whatever feels most fun. Your drawings might be literal, or abstract, or somewhere in between. Up to you!

For this process, you'll need:

  • Something to draw on - a loose page, or a page in your art journal

  • Something to draw with - whatever you have is fine

Here are some ideas for you to play with:

  • Draw a moment that felt like it lasted forever.

  • Represent a feeling of rapid change.

  • Freeze a single second on a page.

  • Imagine you could bend time. What would that look like?

  • Think of your personal sense of time over the past while - a day or a week or a year or more - and create an image to show how it flows (fast, slow, jagged, smooth, a mixture).

  • What other time related prompts can you think of?




Balance Mandala